Authentic Lutheran Worship
in Lexington

We hope that you will join us for worship while you are in Lexington or anywhere in the Bluegrass Region. There are many factors that make choosing a church difficult or even intimidating. Below are some Frequently Asked Questions and their answers that we hope make your visit a little more comfortable. We want more than anything else for you to come and hear the Good News of Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection with us here at St. John’s. If your questions are not answered on this page, feel free to call our church office or use the form below to send us an email.
Sunday Worship Services with Holy Communion
8am & 10:30am
Sunday School and Adult Bible Class
Details on special services for Advent, Lent and holidays can be found in the calendar.
What will the worship service be like?
Our services follow the classic Christian pattern for worship, using a variety of songs, dialogues and prayers, old and new from around the world. As we hear God's Word and respond to Him in faith. We use fresh, modern language, and our music is accompanied on organ or piano. We will confess our sins together and hear God's forgiveness in Jesus. We will hear three readings from the Bible. We will hear the Gospel preached. We will sing together. We will pray together for our church community, our neighborhood and the world. We will commune with our Lord and each other at the Communion rail as we celebrate together the Lord's death and resurrection. All of this will be printed for you in a service folder so you can easily follow along.
Can I take communion?
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is something that we truly value as Lutheran Christians. We value it so much so that we have chosen to take part in it every week. We know that God can offer no clearer a gift than the physical offering of Himself for the forgiveness of our sins and for the strengthening of our faith.
The gift of Lord's Supper is celebrated at St. John’s in the confession and glad confidence that, as our Lord says (1 Corinthians 11:23-25), he gives his Body and Blood along with the bread and wine, for the forgiveness of sins and to strengthen our union with him and each other.
In preparation for coming to the Lord’s Table, I confess:
I am sorry for my sins and desire God’s forgiveness. (Matthew 5:23-24; 18:15-35; 26:28)
Jesus is my Savior. (Matthew 11:28; John 14:6)
Jesus’ Body and Blood are truly present in the bread and wine. (1 Corinthians 11:29)
Because those who eat and drink our Lord's Body and Blood unworthily do so to their great harm (1 Corinthians 11:23-32), and because Holy Communion is a confession of the faith which is confessed at this altar (1 Corinthians 11:26), all who (A) are not yet instructed (1 Corinthians 11:28), or (B) hold a confession differing from that of St. John’s and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (1 Corinthians 10:16-17) are asked to speak with the pastor or an elder before communing.
We offer communion both with the common cup and individual glasses. If you would prefer the common cup, let the tray of glasses pass and the pastor will offer the cup to you. If you have any dietary restrictions, please see an elder before the service begins.
What do I do with my children?
Knowing that God offers very real gifts to his family through the Divine Service, we would encourage children of all ages to worship with their families. Jesus encouraged his disciples to have faith like a child, and there is much that we can learn from the simple way that our children worship alongside us. You are more than welcome to sit up front so your child can see what's going on.
The best way to encourage your child to enjoy worship is to model it for them. You can explain parts of the service to them as they happen and encourage them to chime in with, "Amen," "I believe in God...," "Our Father who art in heaven..." The best way to teach is to model, so be sure to sing and pray aloud. They're watching you!
In the narthex you will find bags of quiet toys for your children to enjoy during worship. There are also children’s worship bulletins available weekly with activities for older children to use. We also have children’s messages every Sunday.
It is no surprise to us that kids are squirmy and occasionally loud and distracting. This is a natural side effect of worshiping with all the generations of God’s family together. If you choose to step out to let a louder tantrum pass, please come back when it’s over. There is a cry room in the rear of the sanctuary for these occasions. If anyone turns to look and see what’s going on, please know that it is not in judgement but loving interest. Our family loves to see the little ones who worship with us.
What should I wear?
While we understand that this may be one of the most stressful parts of visiting a new church, please trust that this is the least of our concerns for you. On any given Sunday, you will find both someone dressed in shorts, flip flops and a t-shirt, and someone dressed in a suit and tie. While some may say that we dress our best in respect for a God who gives us His best, another might say that they are thankful for a God who accepts us just as we are. Dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable.
What is expected from me?
As a visitor to our church home we want you to know that worship with us is intended to be comfortable and welcoming. We know that there are many personality types of visitors. Some prefer to be personally welcomed and introduced and some prefer to slip in quietly and unnoticed. If you would like, stop by the welcome center to gather some information and free stuff. If you feel comfortable, you can sign our guestbook or fill out one of the visitor cards in the pews. Completed cards can be handed to the usher during the service.
We take an offering every Sunday in support of the work of God’s church. As believers, we respond to God’s great love to us by returning some of what He has given us for the work of His kingdom. It is perfectly fine if you choose to get to know us a little better before putting anything in the plate. What you give and who you entrust it to, is a matter between you and God.