Living the Reformation since 1892
St. John’s Lutheran Church is the oldest Lutheran church in Lexington and was established and dedicated to God in April 1892. The congregation has grown over more than a century from a membership of a few parishioners to the current membership of over 400 people. St. John’s is the ‘mother church’ of both Our Redeemer and Good Shepherd in Lexington, Our Savior in Danville and Bread of Life in Georgetown. The current church building was completed in the Spring of 2018.
Milestones in St. John’s History
April 15, 1892 – Rev. Paul Schenke held the first worship service of St. John’s German Lutheran Church
October 30, 1892 – To celebrate Reformation Day the first building was dedicated at the corner of 5th and Toner Streets.
1916-1918 – St. John’s congregation worshipped in rented facilities until a building was purchased at High Street and Park Avenue from Park Methodist Church. Confirmed members in these early years numbered 20-30.
December 1957 – Five acres of ground were purchased at Pasadena Drive and Southview for the site of a new St. John’s Lutheran Church.
May 31, 1959 – Groundbreaking service was held, the Rev. John W. Israel officiating and assisted by members of the building committee, William Labude, Arnold Ruehling and Dr. Durward Olds.
November 8, 1959 – Dedication services for the new building were held at 10:30am and 3:30pm.
October 1984 – A Five Year Planning Committee was appointed to research and study solutions to the needs of our growing congregation.
June 2011 – Pastor Bettermann and his family joined St. John’s congregation in June of 2011. He moved here with his wife Raynee and two daughters, Caitlin and Lindsay.
March 2015 – Our DEM, Michael Hartley, joined the ministry team.
Fall 2015 – Groundbreaking ceremonies were held for a completely new facility on the Pasadena Drive property.
May 6, 2018 – The Building on our Faith Campaign was completed and the new building was dedicated.
Sept. 26, 2021 – Pastor Bettermann retired. Pastor Ron Richeson began serving as Vacancy Pastor during the search for a new pastor.
June 4, 2023 - Our pastor, Micah Schmidt, was installed to serve as minister of Word & Sacrament.