Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Lutheranism: A tradition steeped in education
Sunday School
St. John’s Lutheran Church offers Sunday School classes for children ages 2 through high school. Sunday School classes are held between church services from 9:15am – 10:15am each Sunday throughout the school year. We are blessed with wonderful teachers who enjoy planning interactive and educational lessons for their students.
Our hope is for all students to find Sunday School enjoyable and exciting. We promise to provide a nurturing environment so that the students enjoy coming each week to learn about God and make Him a part of their lives.
Adult Bible Study
At the same time as Sunday School for kids, adults meet at St. John's to dig deep into the Word as well. St. John's has a strong history of adult education. Our classes are held in the fellowship hall and are always interactive. These are great opportunities to bring your questions.
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Confirmation classes offer instruction in the major teachings of the Christian faith to young people beginning in the seventh grade. Our two year program includes the chief doctrines of the Christian faith as they are presented in Luther’s Small Catechism. A variety of teaching methods are used to prepare students for Confirmation of their faith. The goal for this instruction is that by the end of their time in the classes, they would have a solid foundation in the Lutheran Confession of the Christian faith and a firmer faith in Jesus Christ.